CV/LinkedIn Optimization

CV/LinkedIn Optimization
About the product
Do you have one CV you use for all the jobs you apply for?

Do you never get a response from recruiters or companies after you send your application?

We’ll let you in on a little secret; most employers use an online system which matches CVs and LinkedIn profiles to the keywords they are looking for. And that means for most people such as yourself, you lose out on a great job opportunity.

And that’s why JstWORK has something just for you, to turn things around!

We offer a tailored service for job seekers, just like you! For your CV, we ensure your draft is presentable and your qualifications are packaged perfectly to align with keyword matches that recruiter search engines seek.

What should you share on your LinkedIn account? How do people really get jobs on LinkedIn?

For your LinkedIn, we help you optimise your profile to make it easier for international headhunters to find you on the social network.

Whether you have a few years of experience under your belt or even have an impressive career track record; and you have a LinkedIn profile, this is just for you!
CV - Kshs. 3,500 LinkedIn - Kshs. 5,000
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