Forever Living C9 Pack

Forever Living C9 Pack
About the product
Our C9 program is a *9 day calorie controlled detox program* that is designed to help;
*Flash out toxins hence boosting metabolism*
*Reduce Cravings hence streamline feeding habits*
*Boost energy keeping you motivated during the weightloss process*

The C9 comes with a *ready meal plan, plant protein shake to allow meal substitution, daily exercise plan* & hence will *jump start one on their weightloss journey!!! Order Yours Today!!! #Tellafriend*

✅✅ ✅ CLEAN 9 ✅✅✅ contains the following

Package includes*

2* bottles of Aloe Vera Gel
54softgel garcinia tablets
18tablets therm supplements
9 sticks of forever fiber
1pouch of Forever Lite Ultra
Tape Measure
Bottle Shaker
Program Guide

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