M-Power Personal Finance Fitness Program

M-Power Personal Finance Fitness Program
About the product
If you have tried to fix your financial situation but were unsuccessful or unable to maintain the positive management behaviors, then this program will be a great investment into your Personal Finance Fitness. This is a personalized Finance Coaching Program which is inclusive and client-focused. It helps participants gain an overview of their personal financial situation, money blueprint and saving habits and hence highlight the areas that could benefit from more attention. Our mission in this program is to enable you live your ideal financial life by making the most out of your money/assets.

We all hire specialists when the need arises. Once you sign up, you will be assigned a Finance Coach who will be your accountability partner. The Coach will walk the path with you, to help make sure the work actually gets done (we all know how easy it is to get excited about a project, only to look back a year later, to realize we’ve let other things take priority).The role of the coach will be to walk with you step by step in:

To assist participants set financial goals, devise a savings plan, and work toward achieving the pre-set financial goals. At the close of the program, the participant should be able to:
Develop a healthy relationship with money;
Set SMART personal Finance goals;
Develop a savings discipline as life skills for individual livelihood and business improvement;
Identify Personal Financial Priorities;
Budget Effectively;
Know how to get out of and control debt;
Seek further financial help from a professional.

Target Audience:
Individuals & Groups of people
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