Review for:
Carlcare Service Centre
Carlcare Service Centre
Carlcare Service CentreLuthuli Complex, 2nd Flr, No. 7 Luthuli Ave0709698888
Poor customer service
Your customer service in Mombasa to be specific is beyond poor i cant even rate it. How can i give a phone for repairs to your collection point officer since date March 6th, 2018 to be dispatched to Mombasa office and 6 days down the line i have not gotten any costing feedback to give an ok only to realize the Wells fargo guys. That aside even after realizing that you have no time to address the matter up to now am not i have no information about my phone and neither are your Mombasa customer service people picking calls neither is your CP officer doing same. Am so pissed off you better have no customer service center if that is the service.