Best Counties Ltd Mombasa - Kenya

  • Verified
Company name
Best Counties Ltd Mombasa
1360 msa, Mombasa, Kenya
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
  • Monday: 8.00-5.00
  • Tuesday: 8.00-5.00
  • Wednesday: 8.00-5.00
  • Thursday: 8.00-5.00
  • Friday: 800-5.00
  • Saturday: 800-12.00
  • Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Charles Mwaura
Establishment year
E-mail address
Company description
We understand how distressing and disruptive an infestation can be, so we believe in integrated pest management with an emphasis on pest prevention and not just cure. We operate a consultative approach, proposing pest control solutions that fit your specific industrial and commercial needs rather than using a single pest management solution to suit all.

We understand that Septic systems are used when sewage treatment plants are not accessible. They safely treat and dispose of wastewaters produced in the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry. These wastewaters may contain disease-causing germs and pollutants that must be treated to protect human health and the environment.

Septic system problems will result in messy cleanups, inconvenient smells and septic system odor in your house, plus  
Show more possible septic tank replacement. Of course your septic system backup will always happen when you are about to have guests arrive!

For this reason and many more, we’ve taken over the need to carry your burden for you, you have a lot to worry about, leave all this to us.
We have structured Modules which can be tailor made to made to meet each and every individual need you may have, some of the Module may include:-
1) Preventative approach:-
When it comes to keeping your home or business free of pests, the best thing to remember is prevention. Preventive Pest Control will proactively conquer any existing pest activity and then continue to prevent future problems through regular protective services.
We inspecting your drainage system, your Soak pits if you got them, we repair them and detect signs of leakages
Peace of mind comes from knowing the finest and greenest products are being used to protect your home, and that this protection comes with free re-services and a satisfaction guarantee.
2) Professional treatment:-
Professional pest control is performed with fully integrated pest management (IPM) programs. These treatment plans include much more than just applying pesticides to control spiders, termites, bugs, ants, fleas, ticks, roaches, mice and a long list of pests we call occasional invaders.

These integrated treatments include thorough inspections to identify conditions around your home or business that might create harborage, provide food or water, or even build a bridge into the structure. They include the use of pheromone lures and traps, monitoring stations, habitat modification, and even exclusion.
Effective pest control programs should include ongoing evaluation. Pests’ changes, a pest’s susceptibility to pesticides change, and manufacturers change the formulation of the pest products sold. Periodic inspections to assess the effectiveness of management strategies are critical.

We understand how distressing and disruptive an infestation can be, so we believe in integrated pest management with an emphasis on pest prevention and not just cure. We operate a consultative approach, proposing pest control solutions that fit your specific industrial and commercial needs rather than using a single pest management solution to suit all.
Septic system problems will result in messy cleanups, inconvenient smells and septic system odor in your house, plus possible septic tank replacement. Of course your septic system backup will always happen when you are about to have guests arrive! It’s with this in mind that you should let us worry of your drainage problems.

Schedule a free inspection today and one of our inspectors will come to your home or business and formulate a personalized treatment plan that is specific to your situation. Preventive Pest Control achieves the best results by using products that are not only fast acting but long lasting.
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