7 Degrees Bar & Restaurant - Nairobi, Kenya
Vibrant dining with stunning city views.
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Restaurant name
7 Degrees Bar & Restaurant
Naivasha Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
Contact number
Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 - 03:00
- Tuesday: 10:00 - 03:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 - 03:00
- Thursday: 10:00 - 03:00
- Friday: 10:00 - 03:00
- Saturday: 10:00 - 03:00
- Sunday: 10:00 - 03:00
E-mail address
Company description
Its sometimes said the temperatures drop to 7 Degrees but that is the secret behind the place..............
Imagine you could always have your drink as chilled as you wanted it?
Or you had a cocktail that just reads your mood prepared by one of the finest barmen in town...
or if you could just chill, relax in a nice, serene environment enjoying some Nyama Choma and specialty Chinese potatoes at a price that's just right...
Be a part of the experience; be a part of 7 degrees.
Be a part of the next nicest thing in town!
Imagine you could always have your drink as chilled as you wanted it?
Or you had a cocktail that just reads your mood prepared by one of the finest barmen in town...
or if you could just chill, relax in a nice, serene environment enjoying some Nyama Choma and specialty Chinese potatoes at a price that's just right...
Be a part of the experience; be a part of 7 degrees.
Be a part of the next nicest thing in town!
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