Reliable logistics solutions for efficient delivery.
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  • +6Years
    With Us
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85600606, Eldoret, Kenya
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Working hours
  • Monday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Thursday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Saturday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Steven Omolo
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Company description
Dingah Logistics Limited is a company owns Dinga App which is an all inclusive Application whose main purpose is to ease the way of doing business and bring services closer to consumers thus making there life a lot easier and convenient. Dingah comprises of several features-

Dingah has the car hire bit which allows users to not only hire a vehicles at their convenience on their phone but equally have it delivered to them at the point most convenient to them. It has provided an avenue for all those in the car hire industry to post their vehicles for hire and reach more customers through the application compared to them having to advertise on their own.
Under the same platform for car hire, we equally have movers who comprise of companies providing professional relocation services, a  
Show more customer is able to state from where they need to move from and their destination and the real time quote is provided by the mover on the system.
Dingah choppers is also available providing a platform for anyone who needs an helicopter to request for one at an affordable rate.

Dingah Taxi is a taxi applications within the market, the uniqueness of the service provided is that every vehicle for starters is well inspected before being displayed on the system, the drivers are well vetted to ensure the safety of customers. Every Driver is issued with an ID tag which has a QR code scanner meaning as a user in the system when you request for a cab you are supposed to scan from the application the driver ID to ensure he is a Dingah certified driver, the company Dingah will equally be able to know such a customer used such a car being driven with a particular driver at such a time. Dingah equally has three types of taxis, Dingah standard which will mainly consist of 2000cc and below, Dingah comfort 2000cc and above and Dingah executive which consist of luxury vehicles such as Mercedes, range rover, Toyota V8 and prados. This allows a customer to choose the type of vehicle they need and for what occasion.

Shop via Dingah is a unique feature under the Dingah application which operates as shopping platform, it has Ten main categories.
The shop via Dingah allows business people under these categories to display the items and prices of the products they are selling, a customer on the other hand can order unlimited items and request the mode of delivery under dingah whether they want it delivered by Dingah courier, or a truck in case it’s bulky from the trucks under car hire, or dingah taxi if it’s of medium size, thus providing convenience to customers.

Proffessional chauffeurs are drivers for hire, if you need one to either go get you a car from the port, or on short term contract, or you need one to drive you in times of need or to run errands like taking your car to the garage or car wash, then this part ensures you are covered.

Ambulance service is a new product which allows a user to request for ambulance services when they are in need. The nearest ambulance signed up will come to your rescue. This service will see many lives saved in times of emergency.

Dingah lift which is more cheaper compared to taxi allows people travelling towards the same direction to share a ride thus allowing car pooling for a safer, cleaner environment reducing carbon emissions due to too much traffic congestion. Despite being extremely cheap, it provides the same level of comfort and convenience found in taxis as the car owner drops you at the place most convenient to you at the negotiated rate that you agree with them on a personal level
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Products & Services 3

  • Dingah Taxi
    Dingah Taxi
    Dingah Taxi is a taxi applications within the market, the un...
  • Online Shopping
    Online Shopping
    Shop via Dingah is a unique feature under the Dingah applica...
  • Dingah Lift
    Dingah Lift
    Dingah lift which is more cheaper compared to taxi allows pe...

Employees 1

  • Owen Sam
    Owen Sam Otieno
    Sofware Developer | Business Strategist
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