KONZA ESTATES - Machakos, Kenya
Premier real estate development in Machakos.
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Listing - +6Years
With Us
Company name
Located at EP Plaza, next to AIC Bomani opposite Machakos Imaging Centre, P.O. Box 1537 - 90100 Machakos Kenya.
Contact number
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Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8am-5pm
- Tuesday: 8am-5pm
- Wednesday: 8am-5pm
- Thursday: 8am-5pm
- Friday: 8am-5pm
- Saturday: 8am-1pm
- Sunday: closed
Company manager
Mr. King'oriEstablishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Konza Estates Investments Ltd is a fast growing real estate management firm founded in the year 2006 and registered with the government of Kenya under the companies act (cap 486)
Company Objectives
To improve social economic status of our clients..i.e. individuals, staff uniforms, churches/faith based organizations, self help groups, NGOs, and private companies.
To educate our clients on real estate investment since land is the basic factor of production.
To empower our clients economically through entrepreneurship education .
Our Mission
To educate our clients on how to venture in the world of real estate investment with less strain
To help our clients to acquire properties in prime zones at an affordable price.
To educate our clients on how
To provide quality services to our customers whilst embracing professional standards and ethics.
To empower our clients to be committed to Excellency, honesty and integrity in all aspects of their operations since this are our key core values.
Our Vision
Our corporate vision is to be the market leader and the preferred provider of real estate agency and management services in Kenya and beyond.
Our Goals
To help our clients discover the potential they have and unleash their full potential to invest and to create job opportunities i.e. to establish enterprises, to give
birth to new business ventures etc
Our Scope
Our scope reaches the creative and innovative people who have not unleashed their potential due to financial challenges.
Company Objectives
To improve social economic status of our clients..i.e. individuals, staff uniforms, churches/faith based organizations, self help groups, NGOs, and private companies.
To educate our clients on real estate investment since land is the basic factor of production.
To empower our clients economically through entrepreneurship education .
Our Mission
To educate our clients on how to venture in the world of real estate investment with less strain
To help our clients to acquire properties in prime zones at an affordable price.
To educate our clients on how
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to venture in income generating activities.To provide quality services to our customers whilst embracing professional standards and ethics.
To empower our clients to be committed to Excellency, honesty and integrity in all aspects of their operations since this are our key core values.
Our Vision
Our corporate vision is to be the market leader and the preferred provider of real estate agency and management services in Kenya and beyond.
Our Goals
To help our clients discover the potential they have and unleash their full potential to invest and to create job opportunities i.e. to establish enterprises, to give
birth to new business ventures etc
Our Scope
Our scope reaches the creative and innovative people who have not unleashed their potential due to financial challenges.
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Verified Business
The accuracy of the company profile for KONZA ESTATES is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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