Angaza Boma - Nairobi, Kenya
Transforming lives through solar energy solutions.
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Angaza Boma
Nairobi Area, Kenya
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Company description
Angaza Boma is a Kenyan solar technology company that brings solar-powered TV systems to rural households without access to news, information, solar lighting, and phone charging. Our TV system enables customers to get real-time access to information, access to clean solar lighting using the two solar bulbs that come with our system, and the ability to recharge their mobile phones from home. This displaces kerosene, petrol, and diesel, improving indoor air quality and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
Our mission is to contribute to the green energy revolution in Kenya and the rest of East Africa by providing modern, clean energy solutions that improve people's standard of living, health, and the environment, while eliminating energy poverty. We are combating energy poverty and climate
Our high quality 19-inch LED Digital Solar Powered Television system provides off-grid rural TV lovers with unlimited entertainment and access to news and education. Kennedy Lamwenya, the founder and CEO of Angaza Boma, is a social entrepreneur with nine years of combined experience in sales and marketing. He has spent six years building rural distribution structures for social enterprises, water, health solutions, and energy-efficient technologies in East Africa. His leadership philosophy is grounded in people development, fiscal discipline, and a marketability to integrate sales and driven focus with
Our mission is to contribute to the green energy revolution in Kenya and the rest of East Africa by providing modern, clean energy solutions that improve people's standard of living, health, and the environment, while eliminating energy poverty. We are combating energy poverty and climate
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change by providing access to solar lights in some of the most remote regions of rural, off-grid Kenya and building a movement to eradicate the kerosene lamp in Kenya.Our high quality 19-inch LED Digital Solar Powered Television system provides off-grid rural TV lovers with unlimited entertainment and access to news and education. Kennedy Lamwenya, the founder and CEO of Angaza Boma, is a social entrepreneur with nine years of combined experience in sales and marketing. He has spent six years building rural distribution structures for social enterprises, water, health solutions, and energy-efficient technologies in East Africa. His leadership philosophy is grounded in people development, fiscal discipline, and a marketability to integrate sales and driven focus with
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