St. Philip Neri Primary School - Nairobi, Kenya
Quality education rooted in Catholic values.
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School name
St. Philip Neri Primary School
St Philip Neri Primary and Junior Secondary School, Pridelands, Nairobi, Kenya
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
St. Philip Neri Primary School was established in January 2013. It is a day and boarding school located in Machakos county- Mavoko, Joska, It was founded with a mission to provide quality education for all the children without discrimination.
We offer 8-4-4 system but we have successfully incorporated the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).
It’s also a unique school of its kind because it’s providing the education for all the children no matter the background. It also focuses on transformation and integration of the disadvantaged and marginalized children into the society.
Our school is a modern school. We not only focus on academic excellence but also on co-curricular activities and skills and talent development. We have very well-equipped music class with
Our K.C.P.E. performance is remarkable. We did our first K.C.P.E exams in 2015 and posted a mean of 367, followed with 390 in 2016, 356 in 2017, 357 in 2018, 360 in 2019 and 372 in 2020. Most of our former students have joined the best national schools like Starehe boys high school, Starehe Girls high school, Mangu high school, Siakago girls high school, Cardinal Otunga high school, Bishop Gatimu Ngandu High School, Kenya High School, Mugoiri girls high school etc. Academically we belong among the top best schools within our region.
St. Philip Neri teachers are selected on the basis of high professional achievements, demonstrated enthusiasm, dedication and concern for the individual needs of each child. All staff are involved in continuous self-development and leadership training programmes.
We offer 8-4-4 system but we have successfully incorporated the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).
It’s also a unique school of its kind because it’s providing the education for all the children no matter the background. It also focuses on transformation and integration of the disadvantaged and marginalized children into the society.
Our school is a modern school. We not only focus on academic excellence but also on co-curricular activities and skills and talent development. We have very well-equipped music class with
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original pianos and other quality music instruments with an experienced music teacher and offer plenty of sports. Our French department collaborates with Alliance Francaise in Nairobi and with their collaboration we provide the DELF certificates for the interested candidates.
Our K.C.P.E. performance is remarkable. We did our first K.C.P.E exams in 2015 and posted a mean of 367, followed with 390 in 2016, 356 in 2017, 357 in 2018, 360 in 2019 and 372 in 2020. Most of our former students have joined the best national schools like Starehe boys high school, Starehe Girls high school, Mangu high school, Siakago girls high school, Cardinal Otunga high school, Bishop Gatimu Ngandu High School, Kenya High School, Mugoiri girls high school etc. Academically we belong among the top best schools within our region.
St. Philip Neri teachers are selected on the basis of high professional achievements, demonstrated enthusiasm, dedication and concern for the individual needs of each child. All staff are involved in continuous self-development and leadership training programmes.
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