Continental Produce Limited - Nairobi, Kenya
Fresh produce supplier with quality assurance.
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Company name
Continental Produce Limited
Waiyaki way Westlands Nairobi, Kenya
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: Yes
- Tuesday: Yes
- Wednesday: Yes
- Thursday: Yes
- Friday: Yes
- Saturday: Yes
- Sunday: Yes
Company manager
Fendinat RuesEstablishment year
501-1000Registration code
C55200E-mail address
Company description
CPL Agriculture Sector
Our company was established back in 1993 and has blossomed into Kenya's most preferred Floricultural and horticultural produce dealer.
The CPL agriculture sector is a vertically integrated agribusiness, providing our customers with the highest quality and leading best practices in the supply chain. We pride ourselves on sustainable and responsible sourcing and strategic partnerships with our customers.
CPL Agriculture is a market leader in the horticulture and floriculture business with a worldwide footprint that covers the farming, production, sales, and marketing of fresh cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs. We offer challenging but rewarding careers in a dynamic and evolving workplace environment.
Our farms are situated along the equator
Our company was established back in 1993 and has blossomed into Kenya's most preferred Floricultural and horticultural produce dealer.
The CPL agriculture sector is a vertically integrated agribusiness, providing our customers with the highest quality and leading best practices in the supply chain. We pride ourselves on sustainable and responsible sourcing and strategic partnerships with our customers.
CPL Agriculture is a market leader in the horticulture and floriculture business with a worldwide footprint that covers the farming, production, sales, and marketing of fresh cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs. We offer challenging but rewarding careers in a dynamic and evolving workplace environment.
Our farms are situated along the equator
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on the Kenyan highlands and offer ideal growing conditions for flowers, fruits, and vegetables, with consistent temperatures and regular rainfall.Listed in categories
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