Mara Serena Safari Lodge - Narok, Kenya

Luxurious lodge in Maasai Mara's wilderness.
Hotel name
Mara Serena Safari Lodge
48690-00100 Nairobi GPO, Narok, Kenya
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Company description
Located at the very centre of the famous ‘Mara Triangle' of the world-renowned Masai Mara National Reserve, the Mara Serena Safari Lodge is the ultimate safari destination. Set high on a bush-cloaked hill with long views over the savannah and down to the winding coils of the hippo-filled Mara River, it stands centre-stage to one of Africa's most dramatic wildlife arenas, with a ringside seat for the ‘greatest wildlife show on earth', the legendary migration of the wildebeest.Styled to echo the circular motif of a traditional Maasai manyatta, the lodge blends international sophistication with raw African beauty, while featuring twin rows of individual rooms, each with its own view of the famous Mara River. The central bar and dining areas enjoy spectacular views, as does the  
Show more rock-surround swimming pool. Each luxuriously-presented room is accommodated in its own stand-alone modular unit, with uninterrupted views, private balcony and spacious seating area. Activities include three daily game drives in custom-built traditional safari vehicles, ‘sundowners' in the bush, breakfast by the hippo pools, balloon safaris and exotic Maasai bush suppers.Word renowned for the breathtaking spectacle of ‘the greatest wildlife show on earth', the awe inspiring annual migration of the wildebeest, the Mara is Kenya's most visited protected area. Technically an extension of Tanzania's renowned Serengeti National Park, the Mara constitutes only 4% of the entire Serengeti ecosystem but its rolling grasslands, meandering rivers and towering escarpments offer one of the world's most rewarding and evocative wildlife arenas.
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