Raka Milk Processors Ltd - Nyeri, Kenya
Quality dairy products with a local touch.
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Company name
Raka Milk Processors Ltd
Rware, Nyeri - Nanyuki Rd, Kenya
Contact number
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Mr Michael Karimi Establishment year
26-50Registration code
P05151142422HVAT registration
VAT - 0128403F E-mail address
Company description
Raka Milk Processors Limited commenced making cheese in 2001 with the famous flagship Raka Cheddar. Purely vegetarian and proudly Kenyan, Raka cheese originates in the Nyeri highlands, which gives this cheese a unique and distinct flavour.
Demand surged almost immediately; another cheese vat of 1,000 litres was acquired and since then Kalpa and Rajesh haven’t looked back. Cheese and cheese-making is a passion for the owners of Raka. Visits to the Netherlands to master the art of making and eating cheese ensued, in addition to technical experts making regular visits to Nyeri to constantly improve and innovate with the range of cheeses Raka produces. Hence, high standards, and fantastic and consistent flavours have resulted in Raka sweeping up regular awards for their various cheeses.
The Range to Suit all Palates and Consciences
Starting off with the Cheddar, the scrumptious range quickly grew to include Paneer, Sliced Cheddar, Grated Cheese, Pizza, Mozarella, Nyeri Blue and the creamy Goat Cheeses in flavours of black pepper and garlic, as well as natural. All these vegetarian cheeses are made from the freshest and creamiest milk sourced from the central province of Kenya, and the process supports over 2,000 milk farmers, through two cooperatives, every day with the purchase of up to 5,000 litres of milk daily. Raka provides a guaranteed market for these smallholders and is growing at a steady 20% per year with the increase in demand for cheese, both from large-scale buyers (restaurants, supermarkets, etc) and small-scale/individuals. Thus Raka cheeses are available at all leading supermarkets, in addition to some convenience stores.
Demand surged almost immediately; another cheese vat of 1,000 litres was acquired and since then Kalpa and Rajesh haven’t looked back. Cheese and cheese-making is a passion for the owners of Raka. Visits to the Netherlands to master the art of making and eating cheese ensued, in addition to technical experts making regular visits to Nyeri to constantly improve and innovate with the range of cheeses Raka produces. Hence, high standards, and fantastic and consistent flavours have resulted in Raka sweeping up regular awards for their various cheeses.
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Raka is now one of the market leaders in supplying Kenyan’s with discerning tastes for cheeseThe Range to Suit all Palates and Consciences
Starting off with the Cheddar, the scrumptious range quickly grew to include Paneer, Sliced Cheddar, Grated Cheese, Pizza, Mozarella, Nyeri Blue and the creamy Goat Cheeses in flavours of black pepper and garlic, as well as natural. All these vegetarian cheeses are made from the freshest and creamiest milk sourced from the central province of Kenya, and the process supports over 2,000 milk farmers, through two cooperatives, every day with the purchase of up to 5,000 litres of milk daily. Raka provides a guaranteed market for these smallholders and is growing at a steady 20% per year with the increase in demand for cheese, both from large-scale buyers (restaurants, supermarkets, etc) and small-scale/individuals. Thus Raka cheeses are available at all leading supermarkets, in addition to some convenience stores.
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