Telkom Kenya Ltd Customer Care Contacts - Nairobi
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Company name
Telkom Kenya Ltd Customer Care Contacts
Head Office: Telkom Plaza – Ralph Bunche Rd.PO Box 30301-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Contact number
Front Office Desk: 020 4952000
Mobile phone
Customer Care- Telkom Mobile: 100
Other Networks: 020 222 1000
Other Networks: 020 222 1000
Website address
Company description
Telkom connects the people that keep Kenya on the move.
It does this by providing integrated telecommunications solutions to individuals, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Government and large corporates in Kenya, drawing from a diverse solutions suite that includes voice, data, mobile money as well as network services. Powered by its vast fibre optic infrastructure, it is also a major provider of wholesale, carrier-to-carrier traffic within the country and the region.
Telkom is building on a strong, consumer-centric ethos that is committed to providing innovative, accessible and refreshingly simple communications solutions that suit customers’ everyday communication needs.
Established as a telecommunications operator in April 1999, Telkom is 60 per cent owned by
Corporate Customer Care:
Telkom Mobile: 200
Telkom fixed line: 0800 200 000
Other Networks: 020 4600 200
It does this by providing integrated telecommunications solutions to individuals, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Government and large corporates in Kenya, drawing from a diverse solutions suite that includes voice, data, mobile money as well as network services. Powered by its vast fibre optic infrastructure, it is also a major provider of wholesale, carrier-to-carrier traffic within the country and the region.
Telkom is building on a strong, consumer-centric ethos that is committed to providing innovative, accessible and refreshingly simple communications solutions that suit customers’ everyday communication needs.
Established as a telecommunications operator in April 1999, Telkom is 60 per cent owned by
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Helios Investment Partners, with the remaining stake held by Kenyans through the Government of Kenya.Corporate Customer Care:
Telkom Mobile: 200
Telkom fixed line: 0800 200 000
Other Networks: 020 4600 200
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Questions & Answers
Why is your network so pathetic all the time and why are you people stealing from me? I okoa jahazi worth ksh 50 and you gave me ksh45 and when I was repaying it back you took ksh55. You people are thieves
How are u consuming my airtime? Yesterday night I had 19 bob, now I have 2 bob, where is 17?. I have not called or bought a buddle. How???
Hi how can i access my account in my computer am using telkom line for data bundles in the office
Telkom Mombasa office working hours
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