Herbal remedies for holistic health solutions.
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Post Bank PensionTowers, Formerly Trishul Towers, Muranga Road near Globe round about next to Paramount Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya
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Working hours
- Monday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
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Company description
What distinguishes Makini Herbal Clinic from the rest is that it refers its patients to convectional doctors and vice-verse, thus bridging the gap between convectional and traditional medicines. Therefore, a visit to Makini Herbal Clinic does not mean that a person is automatically going to be administered herbal medicine medicines as the last and only solution.
Makini Herbal Clinic also offers pre-and post-test counseling services for HIV/AIDS cases.
Currently, Makini Herbal Clinic has its storks Herbal Clinic A-quit granule, an immune-enhancing agent that exerts a comprehensive strengthening of the body. It is a newly effective drug for the management of H.IV infection. Aquit granule suppresses the viremiacaused by SIV-mae and reduces the level of viral loading in the plasma.
Makini Herbal Clinic also offers pre-and post-test counseling services for HIV/AIDS cases.
Currently, Makini Herbal Clinic has its storks Herbal Clinic A-quit granule, an immune-enhancing agent that exerts a comprehensive strengthening of the body. It is a newly effective drug for the management of H.IV infection. Aquit granule suppresses the viremiacaused by SIV-mae and reduces the level of viral loading in the plasma.
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A-quit granule has no side effect observed. The clinic observation of 155 people infected with HIV made by a Sino-Tanzania co-ordinating group for treating AIDS with A-quit, granule, has proved that the total effective rate amounted to 45 – 60 per cent, according to the evaluating standard of efficiency from the four aspects of viral loading, immunological function, symptom’s and signs of the HIV/AIDS patients. It alleviated the patients suffering from fatigue, low fever, dry cough, nigh sweating, loss of appetite, skin rash, enlargement of lymph node and chronic diarrhea. No toxic action and side effect was observed.Location map
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Questions & Answers
How much is charged for tooth whitening?
Do you offer treatment for hepatitis b and at what cost?
Do you have drugs for genital hpv?
Hi do you have medicine for patient who has kidney disease i mean his kidneys can't filter waste
Am erecting during romance with my wife but immediately I start fucking it's gets down before I enjoyed sex what should I do
Do unblock follopian tubes
Do you treat diabetic and for how long at what price
Do you treat amoeba?
Do u have drugs to prevent premature ejaculation n last longer in bed? If yes how do I get it. Am at webuye
How many month can i take to hoppen fallopin tube.
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