Ravenzo Trading - Nairobi, Kenya

Company name
Ravenzo Trading
Postal Address : 382-00600 Ngara Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
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Company description
Ravenzo Trading is the FIRST I.T. online Trading Company in Kenya and East Africa and the leading specialist in online trading with over 1,000,000 hits on our website per month and still growingOur e-tail brands include HP, Dell, Toshiba, Samsung, Acer, APC, Mecer, Epson, Canon, Microsoft, Kaspersky and many more. We operate a simplified approach to online retailing and offer customers a comprehensive range of after sales services.On 15th November 2008, we announced details of a five point plan for our business:1. Focus on the customer through an unbeatable combination of VALUE, EASE, CHOICE and SERVICE.2. Focus the portfolio on winning positions3. Transform the business to broaden the choices for our customers and improve the online buying experience.4. Win in the  
Show more internet market by growing our pure play business and become the masters of online retailing.5. Reduce our cost base by simplifying processesOUR VALUESUnderpinning Ravenzo Trading's Core Purpose - Bringing Life To Technology - are core values, which have been developed for our customers and stake holders.We promote values that represent our customers' experience when they shop online with us or are visited by one of our engineers, book our home delivery service, or contact us for support. We aspire to have our customers know and say the following about us:- They're interested in working out what's right for me- It's an exciting place to be and easy to shop- I can get what I want when I want it- The prices are good- They make things work and keep them working- They deal with queries/complaints brilliantlyFor our stake holders, we believe there are four core values that constitute who we are, as individuals and as a team:- We love to make our customers happy- We know our stuff- We love to work here- We deliver- We negotiate the best deals with the suppliers in order to offer the best prices to our customers- We make timely payments to Suppliers, Government and Employees and are an ethical entityOUR PARTNERSRavenzo Trading is proud to be partnered with Access Kenya who are a household name in Kenya and East Africa. Access Kenya is the only listed I.T. Company in the Nairobi Stock Exchange.Ravenzo Trading is the only I.T. Company to be part of www.home.co.ke which is Access Kenya's market leading website. We are part of the "Online Shopping Mall" that has been created by Access Kenya to give a confidence boost to the end customer when purchasing online.
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