2 Reviews
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Nyasa Rd, P.O. Box: 47498, 00100 Nairobi GPO, Kenya
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Doctors and Clinics
Makadara Mercy Sisters Dispensary Nairobi
Mercy Sisters Hospital Makadara
Sisters of Mercy Makadara Nairobi
Sisters of mercy


2 Reviews
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If I could give a zero rating I would
Beware of this clinic. I have been through a lot this year with my three year old getting gravely I’ll to the point of being admitted at least once thank God not twice. The culprit was this clinic. They are very incompetent. Please don’t take your child there and if you do and see them not improving seek a second opinion elsewhere. My daughter got so sick in April and the nurses there not sure if they are nurses or clinical officers did a bunch of tests on her and said she had a lot of bacteria in the blood. They gave her injections and some oral medicine but my child would sleep through the night. Mind you they never once checked to see if she had tonsillitis so I didn’t even know the origin of where the bacteria got into her system. Their meds never helped her out and I had to have her admitted for 5 days because she started having convulsions. Her temp wouldn’t go down. The bacteria in her blood had doubled; what was their medicine for. Since a m a sucker for learning the hard way I guess I took her back last week and same thing happened. Tonsillitis followed by tonnes of tests and unnecessary injections no improvement. Took her to the government hospital in Jericho and that was the fist night she slept fever free. No injections just competent doctors who know what they are doing. The right medication was all she needed. Just talking to the doctor made me realize he consoled me by all the knowledge he was spewing. He had the knowledge and I felt confident my daughter was going to be ok. She’s doing a lot better and I can now sleep through the night not worrying that my baby won’t make it the night. Save your money don’t go here but if you do and see this post know the problem is with the facility not making sure to hire people with the proper knowledge. I could go on with more details about some of the incompetent things they’d tell me in regards to her diagnosis. Anyway am never taking her back there. They truly traumatized me. I hope I can help a parent out there.
Level of expertise
I have attended this clinic since i was as young as 9 years old. From clinic visits with my aunts till now where i check in myself when unwell. Friendly environment more of a community place. Affordable as well as easily accessible healthcare. Highly sensitized on matters modern health. You may need to be up early to beat the queues sometimes. They recently introduced I.C.T. No longer manual...

Questions & Answers

Does the hospital offer infants vaccination?and at what charges?

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