YAYA APARTMENTS - Nairobi, Kenya
Modern living spaces in Nairobi's vibrant atmosphere.
3 Reviews
YAYA APARTMENTS Yaya Centre Argwings Kodhek Rd, P.O. Box: 76377 - 00508(254) 20 - 2713360 https://www.businesslist.co.ke/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Yaya Centre Argwings Kodhek Rd, P.O. Box: 76377 - 00508, Nairobi, Kenya
Contact number
(254) 20 - 3861902
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E-mail address
Company description
Fully Serviced and Furnished Apartments In Nairobi Kenya, Newly Renovated Secure Accommodation For Short and Long Term Rent
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YAYA APARTMENTS Yaya Centre Argwings Kodhek Rd, P.O. Box: 76377 - 00508(254) 20 - 2713360 https://www.businesslist.co.ke/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Very disappointed. Overpriced and very noisy with renovation noise happening 7 days a week. High traffic jamms and dust everywhere due to road going through. I would strongly recommend staying elsewhere. Lots of new nice apartments closeby.
YAYA APARTMENTS Yaya Centre Argwings Kodhek Rd, P.O. Box: 76377 - 00508(254) 20 - 2713360 https://www.businesslist.co.ke/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Very disappointed. Very noisy with renovation noise happening 7 days a week. High traffic jamms and dust everywhere due to road going through. I would strongly recommend staying elsewhere. Lots of new nice apartments closeby.
YAYA APARTMENTS Yaya Centre Argwings Kodhek Rd, P.O. Box: 76377 - 00508(254) 20 - 2713360 https://www.businesslist.co.ke/img/site/default-business2.jpg
My family and I recently stayed at the Yaya Apartments and was very disappointed. The business centre is not a business centre. It's 2 computers near the reception area and 90% of the time children under 15yrs live on the computers.
The walls and ceiling are paper thin. You can hear every thing. We had a family above us and at 5am the baby would start crying, 6am the wife would be up and walk around with shoes on, then our next door neighbors like listening to music so we all did. The reception staff are useless and don't request the other apartments to reduce the noise because they say the walls are thin.
The swimming pool looks great but is freezing.
They have staff coming and going from the apartment. No privacy. They check the kitchen, fire alarms, water the plants, invoice the bedlinen etc etc etc. If they are repairing anything, the noise is ridiculous, bang, bang, bang.
Given the high rent, the noise and the overstated facilities, I would suggest stay elsewhere.
The walls and ceiling are paper thin. You can hear every thing. We had a family above us and at 5am the baby would start crying, 6am the wife would be up and walk around with shoes on, then our next door neighbors like listening to music so we all did. The reception staff are useless and don't request the other apartments to reduce the noise because they say the walls are thin.
The swimming pool looks great but is freezing.
They have staff coming and going from the apartment. No privacy. They check the kitchen, fire alarms, water the plants, invoice the bedlinen etc etc etc. If they are repairing anything, the noise is ridiculous, bang, bang, bang.
Given the high rent, the noise and the overstated facilities, I would suggest stay elsewhere.
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