Jiunga - Nairobi, Kenya
1 Review
Jiunga6 Parklands Avenue Nairobi Kenyahttps://www.businesslist.co.ke/img/site/default-business2.jpg
- Verified
Listing - +12Years
With Us
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6 Parklands Avenue Nairobi Kenya
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Company description
Collect Data
Jiunga provides you with state of the art data collection tools. Upload your spreadsheet (or start from scratch) and use our mobile & web tools to add new people as your customer list grows.
Maintain Security
Your data belongs to you. Jiunga takes the utmost care to keep your data secured and we also give you the tools to share your data securely within your organization. Know that your privacy is our priority.
Use your consumer data to send targeted and personalized messages. Use Jiunga's tools to target people within a specific demographic and personalize the messages you send them by addressing them by their name
Jiunga is very powerful in its functionality. But that doesn't mean its hard to use. You can send a million messages that are both personalized and targeted in only 30 seconds. Power at your fingertips.
Jiunga provides you with state of the art data collection tools. Upload your spreadsheet (or start from scratch) and use our mobile & web tools to add new people as your customer list grows.
Maintain Security
Your data belongs to you. Jiunga takes the utmost care to keep your data secured and we also give you the tools to share your data securely within your organization. Know that your privacy is our priority.
Use your consumer data to send targeted and personalized messages. Use Jiunga's tools to target people within a specific demographic and personalize the messages you send them by addressing them by their name
Jiunga is very powerful in its functionality. But that doesn't mean its hard to use. You can send a million messages that are both personalized and targeted in only 30 seconds. Power at your fingertips.
Listed in categories
Jiunga6 Parklands Avenue Nairobi Kenyahttps://www.businesslist.co.ke/img/site/default-business2.jpg
I work for one of the largest political parties in Kenya, and for our manifesto launch we had to invite around 10,000 people. We tried other SMS providers in the past but none of them were fast or reliable enough. One of our tech team had used Jiunga before and recommended them to us so we gave it a try. Our messages were sent within a couple minutes to all of our invitees and they were even personalized so everyone thought we wrote them manually, I was happy to take credit for that ;)
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Verified Business
The accuracy of the company profile for Jiunga is validated by the company owner, representative, or directory administrator.
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